Footnotes is a reference library of models, patterns, theories, frameworks and aphorisms
David Thomas and Andy Hunt coined this core principle of software development in The Pragmatic Programmer.
Robert Solow
Robert Solows 1987 observation that “You can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics.”
Committee on Standards in Public Life (CSPL)
The Nolan Principles are a set standards for conduct in public life, established by UK Prime Minister John Major.
Lou Downe, Sarah Drummond
Lou Downe and Sarah Drummond’s shorthand for what makes a good service.
Shannon Thomas
Shannon E. Thomas' framework for practitioner growth in design teams.
Alex Osterwalder
Alex Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas is one of the most well-known frameworks in innovation.
Tony Ulwick
Tony Ulwick's JTBD framework, that seeks to decouple the outcomes (or jobs) people need, from the solutions they use to accomplish them.
Service Envelopes are a simple model for describing how service interactions unfold over time, based on a technique audio designers use to shape sound waves.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
This decision-making model attributed to Eisenhower advocates categorising decisions by importance and urgency.
Susan Michie, Maartje van Stralen, Robert West
Michie, Van Straalen and West's framework for the development of behavioural change interventions.
Monzo's description of their micro-services architectural pattern.
George Lakoff, Mark Johnson
Lakoff and Johnson's exploration of the role of metaphor in shaping how people think about the world.
Jan Chipchase
Jan Chipchase / Studio D's process of curated framework usage in design research.
Peter Reason
Peter Reason's collection of articles and thinking on participatory and action research.
Michael Hallsworth
Michael Hallsworth's manifesto for the applied use of behavioural science.
Melvin Conway
Melvin Conway's aphorism stating that systems tend to mirror the communication structures of the organisations that produce them.
Stuart Pugh
Stuart Pugh's foundational formulation of a decision-matrix, to support qualitative ranking of an option set.
Donella Meadows
Donella Meadow's famous hierarchy of leverage points or places to intervene in a system.
Classical adage, famously adopted as a motto by the Roman emperor Augustus, to "make haste slowly".
Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa and Murray Silverstein
Christopher Alexander's timeless work on classic architectural patterns.
Matthew Hockenberry
Matthew Hockenberry's fantastic compendium of resources on critical studies in logistics.
Morgan Housel
Morgan Housel's idea that maintaining firm beliefs about things that are likely not to change is a helpful response to volatility.
Shane Parrish
Shane Parrish's exploration of the idea that risk aversion can result in increased risk.
Jim Barksdale
Jim Barksdale's aphorism that all value creation is the result of a process of bundling and unbundling.
Bruce Tuckman
Bruce Tuckman's influential model of small group formation.
Michael Erard
Michael Erard's exploration of his work as a metaphor designer, shaping the way people understand concepts through metaphor.
Robert Metcalfe
Robert Metcalfe's observation stating that the financial value or influence of a network is proportional to the number of connected users.
Ken Thompson
Ken Thompson's description of the philosophy of modular sub-systems that shaped the Unix computer operating system.
Caterina Bianchini
Caterina Bianchini's description of her creative process for graphic design.
James Grier Miller
James Grier Miller's 1976 work on a general theory of living systems with the central thesis of levels of open systems and sub-systems.
Dave Snowden
Dave Snowden's framework for making sense of boundary conditions within complexity.
John Kotter
John Kotter's 8 step change framework, mapping out steps in a change program.
John Gall
John Gall's aphorism stating that successful complex systems invariably evolve from working simple systems.
Vladimir Pick
Vladimir Pick's aphorism about the role of a leader to set and maintain benchmarks.
Warren Bennis, Burt Nanus
Typology for decision-making in volatile environments, originating from the US military.
Ben Thompson
Ben Thompson's theory of aggregators as innovators, building on network theory.
David Kantor
David Kantor's model for family system dynamics, applicable for organisational dynamics.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Nassim Nicholas Taleb's concept of anti-fragility, or systems that gain strength through adversity.
Joseph Campbell
Joseph Campbell's concept of the monomyth that underpins human story-telling across cultures.
Barbara Minto
Barbara Minto's framework for communicating detailed ideas at multiple levels of detail.