Deep Dive

Front-load the conditions for success with a clear diagnosis of your challenges, capabilities and opportunities.

Deep Dive
1. Understand your organisation and ecosystem
  • Understand your stakeholders

  • Map your ecosystem

  • Talk to your customers

  • Diagnose your challenges

2. Develop your strategic point of view
  • Discover an Anchoring Insight

  • Clarify your Principles

  • Shape your Objectives

3. Map your opportunities
  • Identify a range of opportunities

  • Get feedback from customers and stakeholders

  • Prioritise ideas by value, cost and constraints

4. Tell your strategic story
  • Craft a compelling story of change

  • Bring your story to life for stakeholders

  • Win endorsement for your next step

Understand your organisation and ecosystem

1. Understand your organisation and ecosystem

Every Deep Dive begins with a no-holds barred diagnosis of the challenges you face. No strategy can succeed in isolation, so we start by understanding your customers, stakeholders, competitors and operating environment.

A precise, ambitious and endorsed diagnosis of your challenge gives you a mandate to push forward with confidence.

Develop your strategic point of view

2. Develop your strategic point of view

Knowing where you want to go is our next step. We work with you and your team to craft a point of view.

We start with what we call an Anchoring Insight, a core idea that aligns your team around a centre of gravity. Next, we define Principles, or shared beliefs, that will guide your team through inevitable trade-offs.

Finally, we help you create strategic Objectives, clear definitions of the outcomes you aim to achieve, that will ensure your next steps take you in the right direction.

Map your opportunities

3. Map your opportunities

With clear Objectives in mind, we help you define a broad range of opportunities and possibilities to achieve the change you envision.

Through feedback from customers, stakeholders and experts, we'll help you identify the most promising starting points, and understand the challenges you'll face to achieve them.

Methodically assessing which opportunities to pursue now, next or never lets you start your journey with the superpower of focus.

Tell your strategic story

4. Tell your strategic story

No change happens in isolation and we make sure you have the resources you need to bring your team and stakeholders on the journey with you.

From an evidence based strategic story for the rational thinkers, to an immersive experience for the dreamers, we help you win the hearts and minds you'll need for your plan to succeed.

Deep Dive helps you set the stage for transformative change


Build a solid foundation and compelling vision for change


Get a realistic perspective of the context and constraints you'll need to work through


Create the resources you'll need to bring everyone with you

What you get
  • Clear, agreed diagnosis of the challenge you're facing

  • Comprehensive map of the opportunities you could pursue, with a prioritised view of your next step

  • Compelling, immersive materials to sell your strategy

Establish the foundations of confident change

Establish the foundations of confident change

Take a Deep Dive into your context, challenges and opportunities and develop the clear objectives, focused next steps and story-telling props to bring your strategy to life.

How do you play the long game?

We've found 4 common modes of strategic change, each with their strengths and weaknesses.

Our simple tool helps you discover your default mode, and how to pick the mode you need right now.

Long Game Modes
The 4 Modes of Strategic Change

+61 (0) 422 634 520

hello [at]

81-83 Campbell St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010

ABN 64 653 180 824

Acknowledgment of Country

We acknowledge the Gamaragal and Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work, and pay our respects to the Elders both past, present and emerging.

Acknowledgment of Crisis

We acknowledge the context of crisis in our time. Recognising that our actions today have consequences beyond our species and generation, we acknowledge our responsibility to include these considerations in our lives and work.