Strategic Snapshot

Strategic Snapshot is a structured 4 week program that rapidly supplements your strategic planning with customer feedback and expert evaluation.

Strategic Snapshot
1. Learn
  • Develop contextual understanding

  • Map customer practices

  • Evaluate opportunities

2. Evolve
  • Develop hypotheses

  • Investigate constraints

  • Focus attention

3. Evaluate
  • Evaluate ideas

  • Address gaps

  • Probe trade-offs

4. Embed
  • Collaborate with your team to embed the learnings

  • Document ideas and insights

  • Visualise learnings


1. Learn

Start the project by spending time learning about the practices and needs of potential customers.


2. Evolve

We work together to apply research learnings to your strategic plan, helping you think about where to focus, how to succeed and where there are gaps.


3. Evaluate

We supplement our first round of learnings with 12 additional customer sessions, focusing in on key questions, ideas or gaps identified in Week Two.


4. Embed

In the final week, we bring it all together through conversations and documentation. Our focus is ensuring you have the inspiration you need to accelerate your strategic planning.

Strategic Snapshot helps you rapidly assess and iterate your strategic vision


Stress test your strategy by exposing it to potential customers or stakeholders


Iterate rapidly to improve your ideas, create focus and priority or expand your ambition


Increase the fidelity of your ideas with optional visualisations

What you get
  • Two rounds of up to 12 design research sessions each

  • Creative workshops after each round to apply the learnings directly to your strategy

  • Prioritisation matrix with an opportunity score for each idea

  • A Strategic Snapshot report, documenting learnings and ideas

Want to accelerate your strategy?

Want to accelerate your strategy?

Discover how Strategic Snapshot can rapidly add structured, design-led expertise and customer feedback to your strategic planning.

How do you play the long game?

We've found 4 common modes of strategic change, each with their strengths and weaknesses.

Our simple tool helps you discover your default mode, and how to pick the mode you need right now.

Long Game Modes
The 4 Modes of Strategic Change

+61 (0) 422 634 520

hello [at]

81-83 Campbell St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010

ABN 64 653 180 824

Acknowledgment of Country

We acknowledge the Gamaragal and Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work, and pay our respects to the Elders both past, present and emerging.

Acknowledgment of Crisis

We acknowledge the context of crisis in our time. Recognising that our actions today have consequences beyond our species and generation, we acknowledge our responsibility to include these considerations in our lives and work.