Current State Workshop

Collaboratively map the Current State of a product or service and create a clear benchmark for transformation.

Current State Workshop
1. Book your workshop
  • Define your topic and agenda

  • Schedule a 3 hour workshop

  • Invite stakeholders and subject matter experts

2. Share your context
  • Share relevant web pages

  • Share processes and diagrams

  • Share documents and examples of interactions

3. Mapping Workshop
  • Collaboratively map aligned processes and experiences

  • Capture shared knowledge of metrics, pain points and gaps

  • Prioritise focus areas and opportunities

4. Current State Map
  • Printable poster of your current state map

  • Clearly marked up gaps and exclusions

  • Highlight on prioritised pain points and opportunities

Book your workshop

1. Book your workshop

Get started by booking a Current State Workshop and inviting stakeholders and subject matter experts from your organisation.

We recommend inviting up to 12 participants (including yourself) from across the business area you are mapping. If possible invite a mix of customer-facing, operational and business stakeholders.

Share your context

2. Share your context

Once booked, we'll provide a secure method to share documents and information to help us prepare.

We'll use the information you provide to create a starting point so your workshop can hit the ground running.

Mapping Workshop

3. Mapping Workshop

Your workshop will bring your participants together over 3 hours to create an aligned map of the experiences you offer your customers and the value stream that enables them.

We'll help you map all your customer Interaction Points and Business Processes, and then collectively identify which are Pain Points or Opportunities. We'll mark any gaps so you know where to dig further.

We'll finish by creating a shared prioritisation of the most promising Pain Points or Opportunities to address.

Current State Map

4. Current State Map

48 hours after we've completed the workshops, we'll provide a secure link to your Current State map.

This printable poster will document the map your participants created in the workshop, with gaps and exclusions marked up and prioritised pain points and opportunities highlighted.

Current State Workshop provides the perfect benchmark for innovation


Kickstart your project with a collaborative knowledge base


Prioritise the Pain Points and Opportunities that are most important to your team


Create a visual benchmark of experiences and processes you want to change

What you get
  • A review of your background and contextual material

  • A 3 hour mapping workshop

  • A printable Current State Map of the outcomes

Want to make a strong start on creating a better process or experience?

Want to make a strong start on creating a better process or experience?

Book a Current State Workshop to quickly create a design-led benchmark for your innovation or transformation project.

What's your default mode of playing the long game?

We've identified 4 common ways that people can approach strategic change, each with strengths and weaknesses in different situations.

Our simple tool can help you discover your default mode and how to work with the rest.

Long Game Modes
The 4 Modes of Strategic Change

+61 (0) 422 634 520

hello [at]

81-83 Campbell St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010

ABN 64 653 180 824

Acknowledgment of Country

We acknowledge the Gamaragal and Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work, and pay our respects to the Elders both past, present and emerging.

Acknowledgment of Crisis

We acknowledge the context of crisis in our time. Recognising that our actions today have consequences beyond our species and generation, we acknowledge our responsibility to include these considerations in our lives and work.